Sustainable Small farm of the year
The winner of this category will most likely: – Be a croft or smallholding or small perhaps tenanted farm – Be operating commercially albeit on a small scale, and with the farm not always the sole source of income, or perhaps with an innovative diversification – preferably has a focus on rare or native breeds of livestock or equines – use and promote regenerative methods – created new habitats and environments on their land that improve biodiversity – have considered carbon audits of their land
sponsored by Scottish Smallholder Festival
Sustainable Farm of the year
The winner of this category will most likely: – Be a larger commercial (mixed) farm which has developed or embraced new ways of working to reduce inputs, maximise outputs and /or create new products or markets, – preferably has a focus on rare or native breeds – used and promoted regenerative methods – have created new habitats and environments on their land that improve biodiversity and enhance soil – have introduced new husbandry methods that have reduced use of antibiotics and lengthened useful life – have carried out carbon audits of their farm and shown changes/innovative ways which demonstrably reduced carbon footprint. Sponsored by Galbraith Group
Native Breed Society of the year
This award is for a native breed society recognised by RBST. The winner of the award will be the society that has done the most to represent their breed during the year in Scotland (The society does not have to be based in Scotland)
Sustainable Farming Influencer of the year – NEW
This award is for the person who has done the most to promote sustainable ways of farming via social media or Influencer marketing. They are most likely to be:
– A Producer who is actively using social media as part of their marketing mix – A writer who is using their voice and platform to influence people working on the land to become more sustainable or regenerative – A volunteer or employee of a land based organisation using social media to promote sustainable farming – An influencer promoting sustainable farming – A food blogger who has consistently promoted the sustainability of food and local food production
Sponsored by Ledingham Chalmers
Rare Breed Survival Trust Champion of the year
This award will recognise the person who has been a real champion over the previous year for rare and native breeds of farm livestock, poultry or equines in Scotland. They will probably be:
– A breeder who has been successful at improving the prospects of one of our watchlist breeds – An administrator who has enhanced the prospects of a watchlist breed through support and encouragement of others – A volunteer who has successfully showcased the great opportunities and attractions of rare breeds through the media, in the showring or at other public events – Sponsored by Rare Breeds Survival Trust |